Samyang 85mm f1.4

“Can’t afford an auto-focus lens, Son?” said the voice? Now, it wasn’t the first time I’ve heard someone ask the question, but the person in question (a guest at a wedding I was shooting a wee while ago) had been following me around for most of the day, carrying a DSLR with a basic kit lens on it, and shooting over my shoulder. It dawned on me that there’s a general opinion that if someone owns a digital SLR, then they “…own a good camera…” (something we’ve all heard time and again – in fact, a few years ago, it was me that my friends were talking about) and that’s the end of that! Well, actually, no it’s not. Let me explain: We all know that the basic kit-lenses supplied with entry point…

Canon Xs Flash

Pacific Conservation Biology, A Journal Devoted to Conservation and Land Management in the Pacific Region Pacific Conservation Biology, A Journal Devoted to Conservation and Land Management in the Pacific Region

Nature – 2009 … photograph of the canopy was taken with a digital camera (Nikon Coolpix E8800TM 8MP) and fish eye lens (Opteka superwide angle 0.22xTM) oriented north and levelled directly above each nest chamber. Each image, containing …

Some of my new gear

Camera bags are something you cant really have enough of, they all do different jobs, fit different things in, are better for urban shoots, riding with , carrying all your gear, looking incognito, flying with etc etc so a few weeks back now I got a bit more involved with Lowepro . They are the biggest camera bag producer in the world so its no surprise they know whats up, and after working with them and knowing the guys involved for the last few years it just seemed the next step… Now Its been quite a big change for me this new camera business, not just thanks to a new camera but the fact that I made the big switch. From the Nikon camp to the Canon one, many reasons for this but the jist of…