What is the best digital camera?

I want a slim, blue black or silver digital camera. I would like it to have a nice zoom and very clear pictures, i don’t take that many. I want quality not quantity. Also under $250.

i have number 1, and i beleive its the best. same color too. they actually have great deals for it and even very easy to use tools on the camera. i mean awesome pictures. and wireless transfering.

Taylor S
i love the olympus
i have it and it works so good for me

help me out here?
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index; _ylt=Akq9wKDmR8tRDXShKAq0Nersy6IX;_ylv=3 ?

Bradshaw's monthly railway and steam navigation guide Bradshaw’s monthly railway and steam navigation guide

Creator: George Bradshaw | 1865 BH в Lomb *me lumix: Bi mi 'lg-.uq Bn'nt Визы. Iñ, 311216.(,l.Bclfurd.AtMßorWh-k ((11……….158t01(ì4 'шпинате. Broke Утка (щ). шпики Лизе. Leeds. „шита (ri. Ibn- g iv (5i, троп мы… rby (щ, Сьыьшшш, (дм-посыл. Dur-ley func. lo?, June. for …